I am able to work independently and (if required) ask for guidance when I need clarity
My current Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills are at the level required to enable me to undertake this qualification
I have access to a suitable workplace/environment where I will be able to demonstrate the skills needed in this qualification
I am currently employed OR intend taking up employment in a role relating to the qualification that I wish to enrol in
I have prior learning/employment/work experience related to the qualification that I wish to enrol in, and I intend to apply for some Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit transfer.
I have access to a dedicated device with the software (MS Office or similar) required to complete coursework
My computer/device has access to a stable internet connection
I have computer literacy skills (MS Office, internet and Operating System) to complete the required coursework
I have adequate funds to either pay full fee upfront, or enter into a payment plan for the program
Enrolment Application
By completing the NO OBLIGATION Enrolment form we will be able to have a meaningful conversation with you regarding your choice of goals and aspirations, and your choice of qualification.
Click here, complete your details and someone from GEM College will contact you within 24 hours.
Once we have read your NO OBLIGATION Enrolment Application, we will know a lot more about you, and will be able to answer any questions you have and discuss:
your education and work experience to date
your educational and career aspirations
your special needs and how we can best support your learning
Product Selection
Recognition of Prior Learning (if applicable)
Payment Plan (if applicable)
Privacy and Important Policies
Certification and Feedback
On successful completion you receive:
Testamur and Record of Results (ROR) in the case of a full qualification; or
Statement of Attainment (SOA) in the case of Unit(s); or
Confirmation of attendance in the case of Open Cut Learning/short courses or incomplete NRT.
We ask for feedback on how you experienced the course as a whole.
Training and Assessment
Different education methodologies are employed depending on the qualification and electives you choose. These will be discussed with you during your enrolment and orientation sessions.
Similarly, you may choose between face-to-face, e-learning or a hybrid. All learning is directly aligned to your expressed choices. This is done on a Unit to Unit (or a cluster of Units) basis and it entails:
Individual/group learning and research (as applicable)
Relevant, practical activities for workplace application (simulated or real – as required)
Assessment completed and submitted
Assessment of competence with evaluation of evidence (sometimes moderated)
Assessor Feedback
Supplementary evidence (if needed)
Assessor, Learner and Supervisor sign off
We ask for feedback from you and/or your workplace mentor
Progress to next Unit/cluster
Finalise negotiated payment plan
Sign off of contract
Processing of deposit or payment
You will be introduced to our Administrative Officer who will process your enrolment.
Our Online Campus Co-ordinator will provide an Orientation to the Online Campus, provide you with your User Name and Password and introduce you to your Tutor.
You will be informed of the relevant training and assessment processes (subject to your elective choices and delivery mode)
We will ask you for feedback on your enrolment experience
Register for the 'Meet Alex Alexander' Live Event
GEM College of International Business (GEM) is an innovative RTO, which has been providing a comprehensive range of training and consultancy services in the areas of Management, Human Resources, Information Technology, Business and Technology Commercialisation to individuals from all sectors of industry, government departments, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and community groups since 1992.
As such, it is incumbent upon us to lead from the front in complying with legislative and other prescripts in the way that we market, recruit and engage with our students. Thus, our enrolment processes are aligned with these regulatory prescripts.