Are you interested in leading Work Health and Safety Teams?
This qualification is suitable for people working in a Work Health and Safety (WHS) role with responsibilities including providing leadership and guidance to others, and who have some responsibility for the output of others.
GEM College believes that no safety program is complete without training, and that no training program is complete without safety!
GEM College has led Workplace Health and Safety since 1994 when it designed and developed the first nationally accredited safety and safety training management qualifications in Australia to be set against national OHS competency standards. Our efforts were acclaimed by State Governments, WorkCover insurers, and industry groups alike. GEM believes People Matter!
Our Mission is “to assist individuals and corporations towards achieving their highest potential and to help make the world a safer place to work” Our local trading name is “Workright Australia” and that pretty much says it all!
Let us help you, to help others to make the world a safer place to work!
GEM College is based in Adelaide, South Australia. South Australia has a proud heritage in work, health and safety – and in women’s rights. While Finland was the first country to give women the right to vote, South Australia was the first legislative jurisdiction in the world, to give all women the right to vote, and the right to be elected to office. This happened in towards the end of the 19th century, in 1894.
In that same year the progressive South Australian Parliament passed the Factory Act, which was the world’s most progressive, worker focused legislation at that time.
South Australia continued to lead the world with its worker focused legislation right through the 20thcentury, and into the 21stcentury. The original Factory Act (1894) was largely championed by Mrs Augusta Zadow, a Factory Inspector who worked tirelessly to improve working conditions in all factories, but particularly those which employed female textile workers. Her tombstone, paid for by “three penny donations” from 1,000 factory workers honours her “Self-denying Efforts on Behalf of the Struggling and Oppressed.”
In recognition of the great work of Augusta Zadow, the GEM College Board has approved the granting of the Augusta Zadow Scholarship for WHS Management – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety – Value $6,999; and ten Augusta Zadow Partial Scholarships – each valued at $3,500.
If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship, please email for more details.
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