GEM College Africa
Welcome to GEM College Africa. Please choose a link in your region to continue:
– Rustenburg Campus – Platinum
Have you considered going to Africa?
You can volunteer to work at the Deaf School in Dodoma. There’s something for everyone. Whether assisting with administration, construction, mechanics, teaching deaf children, training in the GEM College of International Business (Tanzanite) campus – you can have a life changing experience. Accommodation available. Click here to get a feel for the Dodoma School for the Deaf.
Student Profile: Gameli Ashiadey
Gameli Ashiadey is a Ghanaian student who completed Years 11 and 12 at Prince Alfred College, Adelaide.
He returned to Ghana, and completed an Engineering degree and his compulsory national service.
He now works as an engineer, but has decided to undertake a Diploma of Management through the GEM Online Campus.
Three of his friends have decided to do similarly.

If You Would Like to Know More, Enquire Here.