GEM Online Campus
GEM Online Campus
Tailored e-Learning Solutions
GEM Online Campus courses are SCORM and AICC compliant, and can be delivered as a generic courses or as tailored e-Learning solutions matching the specific requirements of industry, or the discrete needs of organisations or departments.
We are constantly monitoring and upgrading our programs to ensure we stay in sync with changing industry and legislative needs.
User Centric Courses
GEM courses are “user centric” – which simply means we have made them just for you. They can be delivered as synchronous (at the same time) or asynchronous (at your desired time). So teachers or trainers can arrange a session where everyone is online at the same time while the content is being delivered or students can access the course content as they need to.
GEM Courses are compatible with desktops, laptops, notebooks, mobile phones, iPAD™ or iPhone™. Course Content has been laid out to suit mobile phone screens with simple navigation buttons and easy instructions, you can browse and find the exact course to meet your needs.
The language used in each course is appropriate for the level of qualification you are undertaking. Each course has a Glossary which lists the terms and definitions used within the course, and an orientation page that provides you with a Training Plan that shows which Units are Core and which are Electives.
You are introduced to the range of Assessment Methodologies you can expect to find against each Unit, as you work towards gaining your full qualification.
Engaging & Interactive
GEM courses are highly engaging, rich in interactivity and have all the visual and content components required to make it easy for you to learn. We aim to impart effective learning. We draw from relevant case studies, provide graphs, charts, tables to represent statistics, and have illustrated images and embedded videos to help you learn effectively. Pop-up boxes highlight generic facts and important information.
Many of our courses have audio so you can sit and listen if that is your preferred learning style. We let you learn, try and then practise until you’re confident you’ve got it right. Then, and only then, you can apply to be assessed against the competency standards for that particular Unit of Competence. There’s no “unexpected tests”, there are no “examinations”, there’s no “failed score”. As soon as you’re confident that you are competent you can apply for assessment.
GEM’s Online Learning Management System enables you, your tutor and your GEM campus trainer to monitor your progress, interact with you and your activities and track your learning curve to ensure you are getting the attention you deserve.
Instructional Avatar
GEM is currently involved with Sonora Technologies Inc, in Canada in the preparation of Instructional Avatars to lead you throughout the course, and to make it even more user friendly and fun.
The Avatar will also conduct the formative assessments and provide you with feedback, which will help you decide when you are ready for the Online Assessor to conduct the summative assessment, in conjunction with the workplace representative.
All GEM courses have been developed in English, and translated into Spanish. Several have been translated into Chinese Simplified, and others are being prepared for Farsi translations.
GEM Online Campus personnel have been designing and developing courses with Instructional Design Strategies for 20 years. We have a methodology that ensures our courses are easy to understand for anyone and everyone.
The Online Campus Team
The Online Campus Team is directed by Dr Luceille Outhred, the Corporate Leader of GEM College of International Business (Global). Elizabeth Bradbury-Calvert, who is an expert in Instructional Design and e-learning manages Student Support Services. Jan Foreman, who has worked across a variety of sectors, including government, IT, energy and mining, and has devoted herself to life long learning, is the Online Campus Systems Manager. An expert team of Content developers, Graphic designers, Coders, Illustrators, Animators, have created courses that focus on YOU, the learner and your needs.
“We pride ourselves on being learner-centric, and our ability to customise our courses for each industry, and to tailor courses to meet the discrete needs of particular organisations or departments”
Dr Luceille Outhred, Corporate Leader – GEM College of International Business (Global)
Ed D (Candidate); M Ed St; M Dist Ed; Ad Dip HRD Mgt; Dip T (Sec Comm); Dip Trg & Ass Sys; Dip Trg & Dev Mgt; Dip Bus (FLM); Cert IV Trg & Ass; Cert TEFL
Dr Luceille is the Corporate Leader of GEM College of International Business (Global) and foundation Board Member and Corporate Leader of the Workright Group and Digislide Group of companies. (see;
Dr Luceille is a visionary leader. Her “over the horizon” perspective has enabled Workright to design and establish training programs, qualifications and a range of business consultancy services that have been both unique and timely in meeting the rapidly changing needs of business. GEM College of International Business (Global) and its licensed campus operations are an extension of that original global vision.
Dr Luceille has more than 30 years experience in Education and Industry, working in both private and public sectors of secondary and tertiary educational organisations.
Dr Luceille has been honoured as a finalist in the Telstra Business Woman of the Year twice. In 2000 she was Finalist in the South Australian Awards, and in 2007 she was again a finalist in the Telstra Business Women’s Award (SA) and received the Telstra Business Women’s SA Govt Business Innovation Award.
Dr Luceille’s special interest is breaking down the digital divide, and the transference of technology to assist Vocational Training Systems to third world nations.
Dr Luceille is also the Chair of the Quality Control Unit of Workright Australia. In 2000 Dr Luceille was seconded to Digislide Management, an early stage technology company which had been under the incubation of the Workright Centre for Entrepreneurship. She managed the Research and Development Team, and discovered her creativity went beyond the domain of education, as she was the inventor and co-inventor on a number of Digislide’s patents.
Under Dr Luceille’s management, in 2006, Digislide won the Guy Manson “Hottest Technology Award” in Silicon Valley; was designated a “Top 100 Global Innovator” by the Guidewire Group in March, 2007, and nominated for a World Technology Award. In 2007, Digislide was declared a finalist at the World Technology Forum Awards, and since that time has won many national and international awards. In 2009, Dr Luceille steered the company through the GFC, and listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
In 2012, Digislide shareholders approved returning the company to private ownership. Dr Luceille remains Chairman of the Digislide Group, and President of Digislide Americas.
Elizabeth Bradbury-Calvert, Online Campus Manager – Learner and Tutor Support Services
Grad. Cert. E-Business; Adv. Diploma Business (Marketing); Cert IV Training and Assessment
Elizabeth has over 12 years corporate experience in senior marketing and strategic business development and 15 years experience in E-Learning. Elizabeth’s main focus in e-learning has been instructional design, online teaching and creating online learning environments and learning resources.
Elizabeth’s special interest is enhancing the learning experience by creating interactive online content that connects the learner with their learning and creates opportunities for collaborative learning and social engagement.
Books published:
- ‘Marketing an Introduction’, Kotler, Armstrong, Meggs, Bradbury & Grech
(Prentice Hall 1999) - E Business @ Work. An Australian Overview
- Farrell, Bradbury & Durovic (Prentice Hall 2001)
Papers & Articles:
- Value adding to the online learning environment
- WEBCT 2001 Asia Pacific Conference
- Rural access equity – crossing the educational and social borders.
Learner Resources:
- Over 20 print based and online learner resources.
Kirstie Wyatt, Graphic Design Specialist

BA Communications; Cert IV in Information Technology (Multimedia); Cert IV Training and Assessment.
Kirstie is passionate about all she does, and her quest for quality coupled with her unique training experience enables GEM to offer content that is not just aesthetically pleasing but also, through effective design, serves to greatly enhance the learning process for learners.
Kirstie has over 20 years experience as a freelance graphic designer in both the print and online industries.
She has been the creative force behind very successful campaigns for many different companies throughout Australia. Her project roles have included: brand development, copy writing, logos, magazine product, art direction, directing photo shoots, marketing material production, websites, e-commerce, email marketing, online course delivery.
Kirstie has taught graphic design and design software packages in the corporate sector. Her wealth of experience led to her qualification as a Certified Expert in design and multimedia software packages such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash.
Over the last 20 years, she been an effective trainer and assessor in delivering competency based accredited training to the VET sector, in association with Workright Australia, Workright Skillsource, and other providers.
Kirstie designed and developed the Online learning program for the Multimedia qualification licensed by Workright Australia to government schools and private colleges alike.
If You Would Like to Know More, Enquire Here.