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GEM College’s faculties include Workright Australia (WHS), Silver Service Care (Aged and Disability), Australian Institute of Digital Marketing (IT) and Scorpion Training Solutions (WA Campus)

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    Product Price Total
× Placeholder Apply knowledge of import and export international conventions, laws and finance (BSBINT405) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques (BSBPMG418) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Apply knowledge of WHS legislation in the workplace (BSBWHS302) $700.00 $630.00 $630.00
× Placeholder Apply project quality management techniques (BSBPMG411) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Apply digital solutions to work processes (BSBMGT407) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Apply research to training and assessment practice (TAERES501) $600.00 $540.00 $540.00
× Placeholder Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills (TAELLN411) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Apply project human resources management approaches (BSBPMG413) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Apply project scope management techniques (BSBPMG409) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Analyse and apply sustainability skills to learning programs (TAESUS501) $600.00 $540.00 $540.00
× Placeholder Apply legislative frameworks for WHS (BSBWHS601) $2,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00
× Placeholder Address customer needs (BSBCUS402) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00
× Placeholder Apply project time management techniques (BSBPMG410) $490.00 $441.00 $441.00

Cart totals

Subtotal $7,479.00
Total $7,479.00